Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
hapi hapi daaaaaay!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
dayz in curtin....
hui fen, d one with lotz of funny ideas think of d pose below....cool? :D
me camewhoring with ah ling ah~~~ wuakakkaka!
below is d incredible work done by d crazy one====hui fen
thanx 4 tat, hui fen~ its quite true bout us..oh nope, its VERY true!!! muahhahaah!
1st of all, proudly present d "eng tao" me
2ndly, its d i'm like tat-----li wen
so tatz all bout my uni life~ wuakakkaak! :Þ
Sunday, May 18, 2008
my best "guy" fren :Þ lol
purposely upload this photo, coz get to block ah fu in this photo....:Þ
miaw chin! u satisfy now? d photo oni have upper part~ wuakakakka! blek!
laz but not least, our group photo~ :)
p/s ah fu!! wish u all da best in everything ah!! (errrhem, u noe wat i mean~ :Þ)
Friday, May 16, 2008
day with ah hua n buddha~ :)
Each of us r given a candle, wood n a flower. All r 4 d puja. basically we light d candle from one person to another person. then d candle n d wood is leave it in a plate. N d flower is put in d "bath tub" of d puja. We use a big spoon to scoop 3 spoons of water n pour it on d puja.
cnt believe we actually talk 4 like 5 hours non stop leh~ walao!! without feeling tired somemore! haha! we mostly talked bout d past "interesting" story tat happened during high skool....walao, i oni know most of d high skool after i graduated 4 bout like 1.5 year...wth!! cnt belive i used to SO NOT GE PO at all~ wuakkakkaka! :)
ah hua, wanna tell u tat how i miss d days when u was sitting in front of me tat time..... :) when u turn around n talk wif me..... :) when u n me 2gether kacau ah fu...... :)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
my extremely LATE experience..
anyway took a pic of d stage though...
however, i managed to get on time 4 d dinner....its buffet dinner n there was lotz of food!! my comment 4 d dinner is ----not bad!!
blur blur me....
Friday, May 9, 2008
tagged by ah chuah!
List eight random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names.
Let them know that they have been tagged
by leaving them a comment on their blogs
1. I LUV food, my life is juz bout food.....
2. I owes wanna make myself look n b strong...
3. I owes wanna slim down but have neva come true~sigh*
4. I LUV 2 buy clothes, shoes....juz tat dnt have enuff $$
5. I sleep a lot, easily fall asleep, but wake up early~
6. I LUV jap song, jap drama, jap gurlz ^_^
7. I like to work as part timer, especially waitressing!
8. I am owes in emo-ing mode -.-
hrrmmm, who sud i tag? ermmm, i tag U, d one who is reading my bloggie now~ :D n all my darlingz n honies :)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
wat a hapi day!
haiz, but still got one thing tat break my heart....T.T
anyway, itz ok~ this tell me tat i sud neva choi u anymore! wuakkakakak! :Þ
Friday, May 2, 2008
blackie strawberry!!!!!!!!!! T.T
BLACKIE STRAWBERI!!! where r u?? didnt even have a photo with it! T.T
anyone who see my blackie strawberi, PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ return it 2 me!!!! thanx * infinity T.T
p/s in case my dear readers donno wat is blackie strawberi, its actually my plushie keychain....
Thursday, May 1, 2008
slowly maturing?
took d first pic but damn dark....haha! coz no skills~
2nd one is better a lot! haha! clever me switch my camera 2 nite mode~wuakakkaka!
my GEN HEN(4get hw 2 spell...) but it was a whole ck!! but gave 3/4 2 my galz coz on diet~ wuakkakaka!
Was reli quiet when we went there, oni 2 tables having dinner there...wth! every time when we pass by is like damn full, bt 2day is like hitting flies lo~ swt!!
talk with my buddies n find tat we reli grow up a lot~ its like we r getting emo now with all d stress stabbing n shooting us~ haiz! all of us is like have sumting in mind.........aih~ :S think we r reli getting elder n mature~ hahahaha!