Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh, what am i doing?

Its like ages that i didnt log in my friendster account. Then suddenly today got the mood to log in again.

Went to see my old friends account. OMG!!!!!! They have become hotter and hotter! Gosh, what am i doing? Always tell maself to slim down, but still eat hell lotz. Always tell myself to study hard, but still slacking off. Always tell myself to become strong, yet i am still so weak.


Time for me to 'evolve' also....hope this time i dont talk crap again. :D
p/s the words in the pic is i copy from somewhere. this song really helps to booth confidence. haha! anyone wanna get the song, tell me please. I am ready to share it. haha! its a chinese song though. Sorry for those who dont understand chinese. :Þ

1 lovey dovey: said...

yeah yeah...tat's really a NICE song..!!!